Citrus Press publishing services
Every book, every project is tailored to your individual requirements. We simplify the publishing process and let you choose what you want us to contribute and how much you want to do.
You retain control. No money is spent without your prior written approval.
What we provide
The experienced publishing team at Citrus Press provides a complete range of publishing services for corporations, associations, government entities, NGOs, not-for-profit organisations as well as authors and self-publishers.
We offer invaluable professional input from a publishing and marketing perspective on how to best present your corporate story and message in the context of a book, how to maximise its appeal to potential readers and, if targeted at a retail environment, the front cover visibility in-store (and pitfalls to avoid).
What we’ll never do: we don’t offer book packages that make your book a homogenised or production line project that includes services you don’t need.
Our publishing services includes:
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Gift books, booklets, annual reports, profiles and ebooks
As well as traditional, high quality, illustrated books, Citrus Press can also offer a full range of services to produce smaller gift books, booklets, annual reports and corporate profiles that lend themselves to broader distribution because of their lower costs.
The content for these publications can be ‘re-purposed’ from content selected from your larger corporate book, or vice versa. They can be produced at a time to suit budget considerations or simultaneously with your book project.
Likewise, print content can also be re-purposed for ebooks and apps which Citrus Press is experienced in and is well positioned to assist you with.